Zaria Abreu Flores

Born: 1973, Mexico
Died: NA
Country most active: Mexico
Also known as: NA

The following is republished with kind permission from the Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México.

Escritora, dramaturga y directora escénica. Licenciada en Literatura Dramática por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México unam.

Ha publicado dos libros de poesía y dos de teatro. Obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Dramaturgia Joven Gerardo Mancebo del Castillo 2004. Fue becaria del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes fonca en dramaturgia (2007). Tuvo mención honorífica en el vi Concurso Nacional de Obras Teatrales, concovado por la Sociedad General de Escritores de México sogem y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México unam.

Writer, playwright and stage director. Graduate in Dramatic Literature from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

She has published two books of poetry and two of plays. She received the Gerardo Mancebo del Castillo National Prize for Young Playwriting in 2004. She was a fellow of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts fonca in playwriting (2007). She received an honorable mention in the 6th National Competition for Plays, organized by the General Society of Writers of Mexico sogem and the National Autonomous University of Mexico unam.

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