Mercedes Emilia Limardo

Born: 1855, Unknown
Died: 1906
Country most active: Venezuela
Also known as: Unknown

The following is excerpted from “400 Outstanding Women of the World and the Costumology of Their Time” by Minna Moscherosch Schmidt, published in 1933.
Mercedes Limardo was a very gifted woman, a genuine pride of her country. She was educated at the religious Institute of Saint Joseph, in Paris. She acquired an extensive knowledge of literature, history, music, physical and natural sciences. After her arrival in Venezuela, in the prime of her life, she was given the rectorship of the National College of Girls, at Valencia by the government of Guzman Blanco. Before long she had gained a reputation as a remarkable educator. Due to her efforts the Venezuelan women were initiated in a true and vigorous intellectual life, in accordance with the requirements of modern times. At the “Colegio del Socorro” she realized a similar reputation. A noble page in the annals of the national pedagogy, belongs to Miss Limardo. She translated many French works. Although she wrote no books, if her letters could be collected they would make a beautiful volume. Her death caused a demonstration of social regret. It was a symbol of the public feeling in unanimous homage to the eminent virtues of this apostolic woman.

Posted in Education.