Born: 4 July 1830, United States
Died: 24 April 1906
Country most active: United States
Also known as: Mary Hannah Hanchet
The following is republished with permission from the Boston Women’s Heritage Trail.
Mary Hannah Hanchett Hunt (1830-1906) led a campaign against alcohol. As WCTU chairman, she traveled the U.S. promoting temperance education and influencing legislation
Mary Hannah Hanchett Hunt (1830-1906) was famous for her campaign against the use of alcohol. In 1880, she was named national educational chairman for the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and thereafter spent many years traveling throughout the United States, lecturing on temperance, testifying before legislatures, developing programs of instruction in temperance for use in public schools, and writing and editing materials for teachers.
Hunt was born in Connecticut and educated in Baltimore. In 1852, she married Leander H. Hunt and the couple moved to Hyde Park in 1886. She lived in Hyde Park until 1893 when she moved to Dorchester where she died in 1906. She is buried at Forest Hills Cemetery.
Mrs. Hunt became interested in the temperance movement while helping her son, Alfred, study for a chemistry course. She determined the best way to eliminate abuse of alcohol was to educate school children. She was very successful in encouraging schools to offer courses in the dangers of alcohol and was instrumental in the passage of federal legislation to mandate such instruction. By 1890 her influence was so great she was named to a position in the world WCTU similar to the one she held in the United States. Books she wrote include Health for Little Folks, Lessons in Hygiene, and Outlines of Anatomy.
The following is excerpted from Woman: Her Position, Influence and Achievement Throughout the Civilized World. Designed and Arranged by William C. King. Published in 1900 by The King-Richardson Co. Copyright 1903 The King-Richardson Co.
American Temperance Reformer and Educator
The woman who appeared before more legislative bodies than any other living person, has traveled untold thousands of miles, and has delivered addresses innumerable on temperance, education, and kindred themes.
Her father, Ephraim Hanchett, was a courageous and enthusiastic worker in the anti-slavery movement, and his daughter inherited his best traits.
After a most thorough course of studies she became professor of natural science in one of the leading institutions in Baltimore. in this she was unconsciously training for her life work in behalf of scientific temperance instruction.
When she married and became a mother she found a further education and preparation for her great work. She saw in the liquor traffic and the drink habit the great foe of humanity and the sorrow of mothers and wives.
Her mind took a wide sweep. She saw that rescue work was but a part of what the world needed. The real nature and effects of alcoholic drinks upon mind and body should be known by the children. Instruction should not be optional but compulsory.
She became superintendent of the newly constituted educational department of the National Women’s Christian Temperance Union. A new school literature on hygiene was needed and was created, largely under her direction.
Thoroughly abreast of the times on all scientific and legislative matters, she has, though opposed and misrepresented, won a host of brilliant victories for humanity and temperance.
As a result of her work legislation for compulsory temperance education she has been secured in most of the states of the Union and in all the territories, also in national military and naval academies and in all schools for the Indian and colored races under national control.