Estelle Anna Lewis

Born: April 1824, United States
Died: 24 November 1880
Country most active: International
Also known as: Sarah Anna Robinson

From Famous Women: An Outline of Feminine Achievement Through the Ages With Life Stories of Five Hundred Noted Women. Written by Joseph Adelman, published 1926 by Ellis M Lonow Company:
Estelle Anna Blanche Lewis, an American dramatist and poet. While a school-girl she made a verse-rendering of the Aeneid into English.
Her best dramatic work, Sappho of Lesbos (1868), a tragedy, ran through seven editions, was translated into modern Greek, and played at Athens.
Edgar Allen Poe spoke of her as the rival of Sappho, and Lamartine called her the “female Petarch.”
She also wrote two other tragedies, Helémah, or the Fall of Montezuma, and The King’s Stratagem, as well as several books of poems.

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Posted in Theater, Writer, Writer > Poetry.