
Born: 1430, South Korea
Died: 18 October 1480
Country most active: Korea
Also known as: 어우동, 於宇同, Park Gu-ma (박구마, 朴丘麻), Uhwudong, Eoeuludong (어을우동, 於乙宇同)

The following bio was written by Emma Rosen, author of On This Day She Made History: 366 Days With Women Who Shaped the World and This Day In Human Ingenuity & Discovery: 366 Days of Scientific Milestones with Women in the Spotlight, and has been republished with permission.

Eowudong (Uhwudong) was a versatile 15th-century Joseon Dynasty artist, excelling in dance, literature, art, and poetry.
Born into the noble Eumseong Park clan, she married Yi Dong but faced allegations of adultery that led to her divorce. This propelled her into a career as a poet, writer, artist, and dancer.
Uhwudong was renowned for her beauty, dancing, singing, and poetry. However, in 1480, she faced severe allegations of adultery and immoral behavior, resulting in her execution, highlighting the strict consequences women faced for such choices.
After her death, she was wrongly labeled as a prostitute, and her poetry, music, and dance talents were forgotten. Her life remains debated; some see her as a victim of moralism and double standards.
Eo Woo-dong’s story has inspired various art forms since the fall of the Joseon Dynasty, shifting public sentiment toward sympathy and portraying her as a victim of the system that admired her work but dismissed it as immoral.

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