Aimée Wagner y Mesa

Born: Unknown, Germany
Died: NA
Country most active: Mexico, Germany
Also known as: Margot Aimée Yadviga Eleonora Wagner y Mesa

The following is republished with kind permission from the Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México.

[Margot] Aimée [Yadviga Eleonora] Wagner y Mesa. Actriz, investigadora y académica mexicana de origen alemán. Licenciada en Arte Dramático por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras ffyl (unam). Obtuvo su posgrado por la Universidad de Colonia, en Alemania. Ex-becaria del Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico daad. Fue asistente de producción del teatro Düsserdorlf. Profesora del Colegio de Literatura Dramática y Teatro cldyt (ffyl-unam). Es miembro de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigación Teatral amit.

Autora de dos libros. Ha sido conductora de radio en México. Ha realizado programas educativos de televisión y creado espacios para la divulgación y creación del teatro universitarios.

Ha publicado en revistas especializadas de teatro, tanto nacionales como extranjeras.

[Margot] Aimée [Yadviga Eleonora] Wagner y Mesa. Mexican actress, researcher and academic of German origin. Graduated in Dramatic Arts from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (FFYL-UNAM). She obtained her postgraduate degree from the University of Cologne, in Germany. Former scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). She was a production assistant at the Düsserdorf theater. Professor at the College of Dramatic Literature and Theater (CLDYT). She is a member of the Mexican Association of Theatrical Research (AMIT).

Author of two books. She has been a radio host in Mexico. She has made educational television programs and created spaces for the dissemination and creation of university theater.

She has published in specialized theater magazines, both national and foreign.

Posted in Actor, Education, Film, Radio, Scholar, Television, Theater, Writer.