Katie-George Dunlevy

Katie-George Dunlevy (b1981) is a high scoring paralympic road and track cyclist, best known for winning gold and silver medals with pilot Eve Crystal at the Rio Paralympics in 2016.

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Harriet Elphinstone-Dick

On the 9 September 1875, in rough open water Harriet Elphinstone-Dick swam seven miles from Shoreham Harbour to Brighton’s West Pier. She completed the distance in a record making 2 hours and 45 minutes. It was regarded as one of the greatest swimming feats of the time.

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Margaret Lambert

Historian Margaret Lambert gained a PhD in international relations at LSE in the 1930s and after the war spent much of her career as an editor-in-chief at the Foreign Office, specialising in contemporary German history.

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Amaza Lee Meredith

Despite being prevented from a career as a professional architect as an African-American woman in the early and mid-1900s, Amaza Lee Meredith left a legacy through her work.

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Veronica Wedgwood

Despite never holding an academic post Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgwood was a well known and respected historian and public intellectual.

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Bessie Smith

Acknowledged as one of the greatest blues singers of the twentieth century, Bessie Smith reigned as the “Empress of the Blues” throughout most of the 1920s.

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