Catalina de Erauso
Spanish-American military heroine
Spanish-American military heroine
On the 9 September 1875, in rough open water Harriet Elphinstone-Dick swam seven miles from Shoreham Harbour to Brighton’s West Pier. She completed the distance in a record making 2 hours and 45 minutes. It was regarded as one of the greatest swimming feats of the time.
American early film actress
Despite being prevented from a career as a professional architect as an African-American woman in the early and mid-1900s, Amaza Lee Meredith left a legacy through her work.
British doctor and suffragette during the early 20th century
Women’s rights activist and former Labour Member of Parliament for Northampton North
Despite never holding an academic post Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgwood was a well known and respected historian and public intellectual.
American author’s representative and theatrical manager.
In addition to owning and running the “bookshop and lending library, Shakespeare and Company,” Beach spent her time advocating and networking for the writers and friends that were loyal to her shop.
While in Paris, Wood’s artistic medium changed from sculpture to silverpoint, in which sketches are drawn with a silver-pointed stylus. Wood’s work consists largely of erotically suggestive flowers and animals. Her sketches have been described as “fluid” and “sensual” by biographers noting, for instance, her representation of frequently fetishized objects like women’s shoes