Pōmare IV

Pōmare IV was the regnant queen of the Kingdom of Tahiti from January 1827 until her death in September 1877.

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Dr Mária Telkes

Dr. Telkes is best known for her invention of the solar water distiller and the first solar-powered heating system designed for residences. She also invented other devices capable of storing energy captured from sunlight.

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Hannah Weinberger

The first woman winemaker from the United States to be given an award on the world stage, who produced the first California wine to ever be awarded an international medal.

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Anne Bohm

Dean of the Graduate School at the London School of Economics for 20 years – but was never granted the title.

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Marie Blaschke

Jewish cellist Marie Blaschke sought refuge in New Zealand from persecution, arriving in 1939. Vandewart made a considerable impact as a concert artist and taught at the University of Auckland’s School of Music for 15 years from 1961.

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