Nobu McCarthy
Actress and artistic director of East West Players.
Actress and artistic director of East West Players.
Osame Nagata Manago was a picture bride who co-founded the Manago Hotel in Captain Cook, Hawai’i.
Nisei singer and star of Flower Drum Song on Broadway.
Educator and author of books on Japanese Americans in Hawai’i.
A talented dancer and actress, Reiko Sato (1931–81) gained visibility as a performer on Broadway and in Hollywood and had some success fighting racial typecasting.
Riyo Sato (1913-2009) was an artist, photographer, and an arts educator for over thirty years.
Yoshiko Yamanouchi (1895–1973) was an early Buddhist community leader, businesswoman, and amateur painter.
While serving as a Reginald Heber Smith Fellow for the Western Center on Law and Poverty she won the landmark educational law reform case, Serrano v. Priest, serving as the co-counsel of record.
A celebrated opera soprano, Ruby Yoshino was among the first Nisei to achieve national stardom as a singer, and later served as president of the New York City Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) chapter.
Picture bride who was a noted educator and promoter of Japanese culture in Hawai’i.