Lakshmi Puri
Lakshmi Puri is a former Assistant Secretary-General at the United Nations and the former Deputy Executive Director of UN Women.
Lakshmi Puri is a former Assistant Secretary-General at the United Nations and the former Deputy Executive Director of UN Women.
Lý Chiêu Hoàng was the ninth and last sovereign of the Lý dynasty from 1224 to 1225 and the only empress regnant in the history of Vietnam.
Komako Kimura was a Japanese suffragist, actress, dancer, theater manager, and magazine editor before World War II.
Jhalkaribai was a soldier who served in the Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi’s women’s army and eventually rose to a position of a prominent advisor to the queen herself, including analysing and strategising battle tactics.
Zhang Yao’er (章要兒).z was an empress of the Chinese Chen Dynasty
Maurissa Tancharoen is an American television producer, writer, actress, singer, lyricist and dancer.
Her Highness Nawab Sikander Begum Sahiba, Nawab Begum of Dar ul-Iqbal-i-Bhopal, GCSI ruled as the the Nawab of Bhopal from 1860 until her death in 1868.
Shah Jahan Begum GCSI CI was the Begum (ruler) of the princely state of Bhopal in central India for two periods: 1844–60 (with her mother acting as regent), and during 1868–1901.
During World War II, approximately 200,000 Chinese, Korean, Singaporean, Malaysian, Taiwanese and Filipino women and girls were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese army.
Monarch of Japan from 707 through 715 CE. Genmei was the fourth of eight women in Japan’s history to take on the role of empress regnant.