
Sorqoqtani, her sisters, and cousin were all part of a vital Kereit network, along with the few surviving princes who served in Ghenis Khan’s army, to support the remainder of their tribe within the grand khanate.

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Nur Jahan

Ruler of the Mughal Empire (almost all of modern-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and large parts of northern and central India) in the 1600s

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Jahan Begum

Sultan Jahan Begum was the fourth and last female ruler of Bhopal, a principality in Malwa in Central India, ruling from 1901 until 1926.

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Maham Begum

She married Babur, the first Mughal emperor, in 1506, in Herat. Though she was Babur’s third wife, she became his chief consort, acting as a political advisor in many circumstances.

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Mariam was married to the third Mughal emperor, Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar, on 6 February 1562, as part of a political resolution.

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