Mothers of Topaz

In response to the restoration of Selective Service for Nisei, some Issei mothers in Topaz organized to write a petition protesting the continued discrimination against their sons’ citizenship rights.

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Monica Sone

Seattle-born author of Nisei Daughter, the first published autobiography written by a Nisei woman, and Ohio clinical psychologist. Monica Itoi Sone’s (1919–2011) sensitive, often humorous book, notable for its lack of bitterness, explored the themes of cultural identity, assimilation, racism and intergenerational conflict in the Seattle Japanese American community and at the U.S. government camp Minidoka.

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Reiko Sato

A talented dancer and actress, Reiko Sato (1931–81) gained visibility as a performer on Broadway and in Hollywood and had some success fighting racial typecasting.

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Rose Matsui Ochi

While serving as a Reginald Heber Smith Fellow for the Western Center on Law and Poverty she won the landmark educational law reform case, Serrano v. Priest, serving as the co-counsel of record.

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