Constance Fligg Elam Tipper
Eminent metallurgist and a very rare example of an industry-standard test named after a woman.
Eminent metallurgist and a very rare example of an industry-standard test named after a woman.
Messick’s Brenda Starr was a worthy female counterpart to male heroes marked a milestone among comics by women. At its peak, the strip ran in 250 newspapers.
American poet
Designing more than 30 cover designs for Vanity Fair, Fish also created elegant cartoon, caricature, and illustration drawings that were published in other magazines including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Cosmopolitan.
Few if any other women held a comparable position while she worked as the editorial cartoonist for the Miami Daily News from 1933–1956.
During WWII, Annie Kriegel joined a Communist Resistance group at age fifteen because no other groups would admit a member so young.
In her comic that revolves around single black female characters, Brandon-Croft presents spirited, sometimes heated discussions addressing issues of race, identity, and relationships—topics atypical of most strips in the 1990s. Her work debuted in the Detroit Free Press in 1989 and in 1991 she became the first nationally syndicated black female cartoonist.
A frequent contributor to the New Yorker, Esquire, Life, and other mainstream magazines of the day, she revealed a feminist attitude in her portrayals of women in atypical situations, yet did not avoid poking fun at women’s behavior in her work.
Berty Albrecht was passionate about family planning and better working conditions for women, and founded the feminist journal Le Problème Sexuel.
Comic artist Carol Tyler came of age during the underground comix movement in San Francisco