Alice Guy-Blaché
She was a pioneer of the French and American film industries during the silent era and the first woman to have a career as a director, yet her work and career have largely been overlooked throughout history.
She was a pioneer of the French and American film industries during the silent era and the first woman to have a career as a director, yet her work and career have largely been overlooked throughout history.
Louisa Alice Baker was a prolific writer who described herself as ‘bred under the Southern Cross, held cheaply there – and labelled in London’.
While Florida Ruffin Ridley followed in the footsteps of her mother, Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, she paved her own way as a writer, activist, and community leader.
Paleontologist with the US National Park Service
Renowned author and Hansen’s disease activist who resided in Kalaupapa from 1937 until her death in 2006.
Japanese-American Shintō priestess who spent part of World War II imprisoned at Honouliuli Internment Camp on O’ahu, Hawai’i
The first American woman to earn a pilot’s license and the first woman to make a solo flight across the English Channel
Prolific writer and journalist who brought socialist politics to the mountains when she co-founded Cooperative Campers of the Pacific Northwest in 1916.
English author and flower and miniature painter
Christian mystic whose spiritual visions, recorded in a series of publications, were central to the founding and philosophy of the Philadelphian Society in London in the 1600s