Irma Xóchitl

Irma Xóchitl is an anthropologist and linguist, author of the books Nahuatocaitl. Apellidos nahuas de Puebla, senderos hacia nuestra cultura originaria (2018) and Mah timomachtiah nahuatlahtolli ican totoca. Aprendamos náhuatl con nuestros apellidos (2021).

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Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende is the author of over twenty books including The House of the Spirits (La Casa de los Espíritus) (1982), Eva Luna (1987), Paula (1995), Inés del Alma Mía (Inés of My Soul) (2006), and Violeta (2022).

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Isabel Juárez Espinosa

Isabel Juárez Espinosa is a Maya Tseltal writer who has been writing since 1990, exploring social themes and issues, concepts of race and ethnicity, and the problems associated with urbanization, such as alcoholism and addiction.

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Josefina Plá

Though born in Spain, critics identify her body of work with Paraguay. She both contributed greatly to the latter country’s cultural development and resided there for the greater part of her life.

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Hilda Perera

Hilda Perera is the author several novels including Mañana es 26 (1960), El sitio de nadie (1972), Felices Pascuas (1977), and Plantado (1981). She is also the author numerous children’s book, including Cuentos de Apolo (1947), whichwas translated in many languages.

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Gloria Guardia

Gloria Guardia is the author of several novels, including El último juego (The Final Game) (1977), Libertad en llamas (Freedom in Flames) (1999), and El jardín de las cenizas (The Garden of Ashes) (2011).

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Gloria Stolk

Gloria Stolk is the author of several books of poetry, prose and essays, including Bela Vegas, Amargo el fondo, Cuentos del Caribe and La casa del viento.

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Cristina Pérez Martínez

Cristina Pérez Martínez’s poetry has been published in the books “Yisimtak ts’unubil, semilla y raices” and “Buch’u Shainoj li vitse ¿Quién habita esta montaña?.”

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Victoria Ocampo

Victoria Ocampo is best-known for founding the prestigious literary magazine Sur (South) (1931) and a publishing company by the same name (1933).

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Elena Poniatowska

Elena Poniatowska is the author of close to thirteen books, including La noche de Tlatelolco (Massacre in Mexico) (1971) , Fuerte es el silencio (Silence is Strong) (1975), Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela (Dear Diego, Quiela Hugs You) (1978), Nada, nadie: Las voces del temblor (Nothing, Nobody: The Voices of the Mexico City Earthquake) (1988), and most recently Ida y vuelta: Entrevistas (Back and Forth: Interviews) (2017).

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