Raina Telgemeier
American comic artist
American comic artist
Renée Bedarida was a Frenc Resistance fighter who worked with the Lyonnais group Témoignage Chrétien (Christian Witness) in WWII. After the war, she wrote two books about the movement and its leader, Father Pierre Chaillet.
Unlike many cartoonists at that time, she depicted women in the military and other jobs.
American anthropologist
Marge Henderson Buell debuted her comic Little Lulu in 1935 in the Saturday Evening Post, where it became a hit and ran until 1944.
Harlem Renaissance writer
Russian émigré, historian of Russian medieval art, writer, and educator
Mexican writer, screenwriter and filmmaker.
Since 1979, when For Better or For Worse first appeared, Canadian artist Lynn Johnston (b. 1947) has been chronicling the lives of the Patterson family
Mexican writer