Franca Arena

Arena always voiced pride in her Italian heritage and became a prominent figure in Sydney’s Italian community, working as a journalist on the Italian-language newspaper La Fiamma, and a broadcaster on ethnic community radio.

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Barbara Earl Thomas

The former Executive Director of Seattle’s Northwest African American Museum, Barbara Earl Thomas is far more than an institutional administrator. She is also an inspiring lecturer on the topics of art and culture and — as the University of Washington Press notes — a “painter and writer of prodigious talent and remarkable visionary sensibility.”

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Edith Buxbaum

Viennese-born psychoanalyst Edith Buxbaum wrote Your Child Makes Sense (1949) and Troubled Children in a Troubled World (1970).

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Alice Rohe

Alice Rohe became a newspaper writer in the 1890s and joined Theta Sigma Phi, the first American journalism professional society for women, when it was established in 1909.

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