Fanny Kemble
English actress and author
English actress and author
American authoress and teacher, 1789 – 1864
American novelist and dramatist. She wrote a biography of Mercy Otis Warren (1896), some verse, and a book on English travels, but is better known for her artistic analysis of New England characters and consciences, in her short stories and novels.
As writers and passionate gardeners, Jim and Barbara Matthews informed and inspired countless New Zealand gardeners.
Margaret Escott is best remembered as the author of the novel Show down.
Catherine Duncan was an actor, playwright, film-maker and author who became the first woman credited as director in an Australian film since the McDonagh sisters in the 1930s.
American reformer who secured for Indiana a tenement-house law
Scottish novelist who wrote three novels: Marriage, The Inheritance, and Destiny, all vigorous and lively pictures of Scottish life and character, written in clear, brisk English, with an inexhaustible fund of humor.
American novelist, and writer of short stories who excelled in the simple and intimate portrayal of New England character in its finer and gentler moods.
Saint Catherine of Siena as a child believed herself to have seen a holy vision, and became convinced that God Himself had come to call her to a better life. She gave up childish amusements, and, fasting and praying, even scourging herself, she filled her life with penances in the manner of the grown-up holy men and women about her.