Joss Shawyer
New Zealand activist and single mother Joss Shawyer campaigned for the rights of single mothers from the 1970s.
New Zealand activist and single mother Joss Shawyer campaigned for the rights of single mothers from the 1970s.
New Zealand activist and writer
Irish nationalist and heroine
Emily White made a significant contribution to community and horticultural life in New Zealand, and was her adopted country’s first woman gardening author of note.
Irish botanical artist, teacher, and poet
Irish writer
Georgia Douglas Johnson was one of the most well-known Black female writers and playwrights of her time. Known for writing most about love and womanhood, Douglas Johnson’s published works touched many and were featured in the most widely-read Black publications of the twentieth century.
A committed feminist, author of what remains the definitive work on the history of Australian women’s fight for the vote, Women Suffrage in Australia: a Gift or Struggle (1992)
Jane Fletcher published a number of books on nature and nature study and broadcast on 7ZL Hobart and 3LO Melbourne. In 1934 she became the first woman to lecture to the Royal Society of Tasmania. She was an outstanding bird observer with a particular interest in crakes and rails.
Irish playwright