Ellen Leonard

In 1907 the LSE Students’ Union elected its first woman President, also known as the Chairman of the Common Rooms Committee. Ellen Marianne Leonard (1866-1953) was a 41 year old historian who had been connected to LSE since 1896. During her time at LSE Ellen produced two publications. In 1900 she published The Early History of English Poor Relief dedicated to William Cunningham.

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Eslanda Robeson

A staunch opponent of injustice, Eslanda found her intellectual community and political point of view in New York, where she was located in history on the eve of the Harlem Renaissance and the end of the Bolshevik revolution.

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Adelaide Casely-Hayford

Sierra Leone activist, teacher and fiction writer Adelaide Casely-Hayford advocated for the Creole community, cultural nationalism, feminism and education for women and girls.

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