Alice Mary Norton
The first woman inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame was a librarian who wrote as Andre Norton
The first woman inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame was a librarian who wrote as Andre Norton
Many in Mexico revere Alma Reed, known as La Peregrina (“the Pilgrim”) for her sensitive journalism.
Mexican short story writer and novelist
Mexican writer, editor, researcher and professor.
Czech operatic soprano
Pioneering female commercial fisherwoman working from the Tulalip Indian Reservation in Snohomish County
American dancer, pantomime artist, writer and painter.
American jazz singer
Social reformer, women’s rights activist, painter and poet
Lucile Saunders McDonald distinguished herself in the fields of journalism and popular history through a prolific lifetime career that produced several thousand news features and columns, 13 published books on local history, an equal number of children’s books, and countless contributions to magazines, journals, and anthologies.