Zeydel Bernal
Mexican poet and storyteller.
Mexican poet and storyteller.
Mexican poet
Mexican writer who has published several books of poetry and fiction
Mexican poet and teacher whose research focuses on the pedagogical, psychological and social problems that affect Mexican adolescents, such as drug addiction and family disintegration, which have repercussions on their education.
Mexican poet, writer, editor, book artist and translator.
Mexican poet and translator
Mexican writer, teacher and translator. ral manager.
Dr Virginia Davis Floyd makes a difference by extending medical care to underserved populations around the world and integrating indigenous medical traditions with Western methods.
Zaidy Zouain is the author of the poetry collection, Lilibeth (1979) and a number of essays, including Ensayos históricos sobre Martí (Historical Essays on Martí) and Ensayos históricos sobre la Batalla de Santiago (Historical Essays on the Battle of Santiago).
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen is the author of thirteen books of poetry including O nome das coisas (The Name of Things) (1977), Geografia (Geography) (1967), and Ilhas (Islands) (1989).