Gloria Stolk

Gloria Stolk is the author of several books of poetry, prose and essays, including Bela Vegas, Amargo el fondo, Cuentos del Caribe and La casa del viento.

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Carmen Boullosa

Carmen Boullosa is the author of seventeen novels, fifteen poetry collections, four plays, two collections of short stories, and a screenplay.

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Cecilia Bustamante

Cecilia Bustamante is the author of nine poetry books. She also worked as journalist and is known to be the first female editorial writer in Peru for the newspaper La Tribuna.

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Cristina Rivera Garza

Cristina Rivera Garza is the author of close to seventeen books, including Nadie me verá llorar (No One Will See Me Cry) (1999), La cresta de Ilión (The Iliac Crest) (2002), La Muerte me da (Death Hits) (2007), and El mal de la taiga (The Taiga Syndrome) (2012).

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Ana Merino

Ana Merino has published nine books of poetry, among them: Preparativos para un viaje (Preparations for a Journey) (1995), winner of the Adonáis Award, Los días gemelos (Twin Days) (1997), La voz de los relojes (The Voice of the Clocks) (2000), Juegos de niños (Children’s Games) (2003), which won the Fray Luis de León Award, Hagamos caso al tigre (Let’s Listen To the Tiger) (2010) and El viaje del vikingo soñado (The Dream Viking’s Voyage) (2015).

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Brenda Cárdenas

Brenda Cárdenas, an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is the author of the two poetry collections, “From the Tongues of Brick and Stone” and “Boomerang,” and co-editor of “Between the Heart and the Land: Latina Poets in the Midwest.”

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