Annette Gordon-Reed

No historian has done more to recover the stories of enslaved African-Americans than Annette Gordon-Reed, whose 2008 book The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family won the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in History, as well as wide acclaim.

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Eva Mirabal

Entitled G.I. Gertie, her comic strips appeared in a Women’s Army Corps (WAC) publication and featured the hijinks of a young woman soldier.

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Jeanne Sakata

Sakata has been a professional actress since the early 1980s and has performed in film, television, and theater. She made her playwriting debut with Dawn’s Light: The Journey of Gordon Hirabayashi in 2007.

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Amy Tan

By bravely exploring experiences of immigrant families, heritage, memories, and poignant struggles, Amy Tan’s writing makes sense of the present through the past and adds ground-breaking narrative to the diverse sweep of American life and literature.

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Anna Deavere Smith

Through profound performances and plays that blend theater and journalism, she has informed our understanding of social issues and conveyed a range of disparate characters.

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Alice Adams

Alice Adams was the author of eleven novels and six collections of short stories, and was the recipient of an O. Henry Award for short fiction twenty-three times.

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Lynda Barry

Barry invented the term “autobiofictionalography” to describe the hybrid nature of her multilayered, multimedia approach that incorporates collage and drawing in ink and watercolor.

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