Dr Alicia de Colombí-Monguió

Alicia de Colombí-Monguió is the author of three poetry collections including El aguardante (The One Who Awaits) (1970), Ser al sesgo y otras imitaciones (Being on the Bias and Other Imitations) (1981) y 31 sonetos (31 Sonnets) (1982).

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Sinrock Mary

Sinrock Mary is known for her legacy as a headstrong businesswoman and interpreter for expeditions along the northern Alaska coast and Russia.

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Toby Riddle

Toby Riddle was a Modoc woman who served as a translator for the US Army during the Modoc War of 1872 to 1873.

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Larysa Kosach-Kvitka

One of the most prominent figures in Ukrainian literature, renowned for her poems and plays. In addition to her literary contributions, she actively participated in political, civil, and feminist movements.

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