Doris Hayashi

Doris Hayashi (1920–2012) was a social worker who participated in the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study as a researcher while incarcerated at the temporary detention center at Tanforan, in California, and the permanent concentration camp at Topaz, Utah.

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Mari Okazaki

Mari Okazaki (1916-2005) was a psychiatric social worker who participated in the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study (JERS) as a researcher and continued her career in social care in the postwar years.

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Dr Ishiko Shibuya Mori

An early Issei female physician, Ishiko Shibuya Mori (1899–1972) was one of eight women from Hawai’i sent into internment on the mainland during WWII.

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Dr Ruth Boynton

Ruth Boynton was a physician, researcher, and administrator who spent almost her entire career at the University of Minnesota (U of M). She worked in public health and student health services at a time (the mid-twentieth century) when there were few women in either of those fields.

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Katharine J Densford

Katharine Densford was a pragmatic leader of American nursing as it gained political and academic recognition in the 1940s and 50s. She is remembered as a stateswoman whose leadership of Minnesota’s flagship school of nursing at the University of Minnesota provided the model for nursing education throughout the state and nation.

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Dr Cora Johnstone Best

Minneapolis-born Cora Johnstone Best achieved international success as a mountaineer during the 1920s. She was a pioneer in the sport, becoming a licensed guide at a time when women were rarely given the opportunity to be lead climbers.

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Theresa Ericksen

After graduating from Northwestern Hospital’s School of Nursing in 1894, Theresa Ericksen led a life of service as a healer, teacher, and promoter of public health and nursing education. Her legacy has ties to the Minnesota Nursing Association, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Christmas Seals, and Fort Snelling National Cemetery.

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Dr Laura Alberta Linton

In 1879, scientists at the University of Minnesota asked chemistry student Laura Linton to analyze rock samples that had been collected along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Her research identified a previously unknown mineral, and her professors named it “lintonite” in recognition of her work.

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Ida Lee

Ida Lee was an historical geographer who wrote several books on maritime exploration in the Pacific.

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