Elizabeth M Conard
Abortion rights advocate who helped start the Charlotte Planned Parenthood chapter
Abortion rights advocate who helped start the Charlotte Planned Parenthood chapter
Yellowstone National Park Park Ranger, 1924-1925
Dr. Kazue Togasaki was one of the first Japanese American women to become a doctor in the United States.
Lee’s biology research at the university led her to be recruited to work in the hematology lab for the Manhattan Project in 1945.
As with so many of the scientists who worked at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project, Lilli Schwenk Hornig (1921-2017) had fled her homeland to escape persecution.
Dr. Loy McAfee served as a contract surgeon with the surgeon general’s office of the U.S. Army during World War I.
In 1936, Dr. Maude Abbott invented an international classification system for congenital heart disease, which became the definitive reference guide to the subject.
In 1902, Dr. Susan Howard was the first woman physician practicing in Burlington, Vermont.
In 1902, Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder founded the Christian Medical College and Hospital in Vellore, India.
In 1899, Dr. Minnie Howard was one of the few women physicians practicing in the American West around the turn of the century.