Lyudmila Bogoslovskaya
Russian biologist and environmental activist
Russian biologist and environmental activist
After moving to Dune Acres in 1988, Barbara Plampin had time for her passion of botany, meticulously studying the Dunes’s habitats and becoming a persistent advocate for natural land preservation and an expert botanist in her own right.
Geologist who worked for over forty years as a paleontologist in the petroleum industry.
Belinda Morieson was Branch Secretary of the Australian Nursing Federation, Victoria Branch (ANF(Vic)) from 1989-2001.
Marine biologist, professor at the University of Washington, and director of Seattle’s Pacific Science Center. Chair of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), from 1973 to 1975. First woman elected governor of Washington.
1977: Dr. Edithe J. Levit was the first woman president and chief executive officer of a national medical association, the National Board of Medical Examiners.
From 1973 to 1995, she served as chief executive officer and medical director of the Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, D.C.
1888: Dr. Broomall established one of the first clinics for out-practice maternity care in the United States.
1937: Dr. Elise L’Esperance founded the Kate Depew Strang Tumor Clinic (now the Strang Cancer Prevention Center).
In 1882 Dr. Clara Marshall became the first woman on the staff of the Philadelphia Hospital.