Margaret A Thone
Yellowstone National Park Park Ranger, 1924-1925
Yellowstone National Park Park Ranger, 1924-1925
American poet
American evolutionary biologist
Australian botanist
As an avid naturalist and talented self-taught botanist, she convinced the Save the Dunes Council to make the pivotal purchase of Cowles Bog in 1953.
After moving to Dune Acres in 1988, Barbara Plampin had time for her passion of botany, meticulously studying the Dunes’s habitats and becoming a persistent advocate for natural land preservation and an expert botanist in her own right.
As a conservationist, she is best known for her work obtaining protection for the stunning fossils near Florissant, Colorado, an area that became a national monument in 1969.
Georgiana Molloy collected and despatched seeds of local native plantsin Western Australia and was known for her detailed botanical descriptions.
Jan Anderson was an international expert on photosynthesis research.
Joyce Vickery was a forensic botanist who was most noted for her work on the kidnap and murder case of Graham Thorne in 1960.