Grace Hoadley Dodge
American philanthropist, and leader in religious and educational work.
American philanthropist, and leader in religious and educational work.
French politician, religious reformer, literary patron, and author.
In 1986 she was elected General of the Salvation Army and was the second woman ever elected to this world-wide position.
“She was the mother of Methodism in a religious and moral sense; for, her courage, her submissiveness to authority, the high tone of her mind, its independence and self-control, the warmth of her devotional feelings, and the practical direction given to them, came up and were visibly repeated in the character and conduct of her son.”
English poet and the author of several beautiful hymns
French abbess and religious influence
The first woman to be ordained as a minister
American novelist, who wrote under the pseudonym of Amy Lothrop
Queen of Navarre
Saint Catherine of Siena as a child believed herself to have seen a holy vision, and became convinced that God Himself had come to call her to a better life. She gave up childish amusements, and, fasting and praying, even scourging herself, she filled her life with penances in the manner of the grown-up holy men and women about her.