Ruby Yoshino

A celebrated opera soprano, Ruby Yoshino was among the first Nisei to achieve national stardom as a singer, and later served as president of the New York City Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) chapter.

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Florence Macbeth

Florence Macbeth won international acclaim as an operatic soprano during the 1910s and 1920s. Known as “the Minnesota nightingale,” Macbeth made hundreds of concert and recital appearances during her career. She toured the U.S. with the Chicago Opera Company for fourteen years before retiring from singing in the 1930s.

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Frances Densmore

From the 1890s through the 1950s, Frances Densmore researched and recorded the music of Native Americans. Through more than twenty books, 200 articles, and some 2,500 Graphophone recordings, she preserved important cultural traditions that might otherwise have been lost.

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