Leah Carrey

Born Leyke Post, Leah Carrey (1908-2005) performed at the old Boston Opera House, the Shawmut Theater, and the Franklin Park Theater, working with some of the greatest stars of the Yiddish stage.

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Kerstin Thorborg

A superb Swedish mezzo-soprano, Kerstin Thorborg made her debut with the Swedish Royal Opera, singing small roles in 1923 and moving to larger parts the next year. She went next to German theaters and then to Prague, Vienna, Salzburg, London, and to the Metropolitan Opera where she sang from 1936 until 1950.

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Théroigne de Méricourt

A prosperous peasant who was inspired by the ideals of the Revolution, she found herself in Paris right before the fall of the Bastille. Having had numerous lovers and suffered the death of a child, she felt compelled to fight for the downtrodden.

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