Martha Dana Shepard
Martha Dana Shepard was a highly successful “music festival pianist” in Boston
Martha Dana Shepard was a highly successful “music festival pianist” in Boston
Boston organist
Jean R. Phillips was a securities analyst at the Treasury Department and an organist in Washington, D.C., during the 1920s-1960s.
Gillian Weir became renowned as an interpreter of the works of French composer Olivier Messiaen and, after an international performing career of nearly 50 years, gave a farewell recital at Westminster Cathedral in December 2012.
Painist Jennie Macandrew accompanied singers and instrumentalists, notably the violinist Edith Whitelaw, and performed as a soloist with local orchestras. She was official accompanist to the competitions society in Gisborne for some years from 1913, and toured New Zealand for five months as accompanist to the tenor Philip Newbury. She was also a pianist at Auckland cinemas, and gave radio broadcasts.