Mariana Bracetti
Puerto Rican heroine
Puerto Rican heroine
Njinga, born c. 1582 to the royal family of Ndongo, was trained in both as a diplomat and in warfare during her adolescence. These skills came into practice many times during her reign as she resisted Portuguese colonial expansion into her kingdoms.
Aircraftwoman 1st Class (ACW1) Avis Joan Hearn was selected for top secret work using an emerging technology called Radio Location or Radio Direction Finding (RDF). It became known as Radar. Detecting and tracking enemy aircraft, radar was a vital component in the RAF’s success during the Battle of Britain.
While the Prince of Espinoy was absent from Tournai, the Spaniards besieged the town in 1581. Taking the place of her husband, Christine de Lelaing organized the resistance. Dressed in a cuirass and with battle-ax in hand, she took part in the battles on the ramparts.
Bulgarian teacher and revolutionary, known for sewing the flag of the April Uprising of 1876
Supporter of Argentine independence and creator of the Argentine flag
Indian rani
One of the most imposing figures among those who helped to free Bulgaria
Advocate for Hungarian culture and education, and military leader
Ruler and military leader of Jhansi who fought British imperialism