Virginia Jenkins Riley

In the early 1960s, Riley was one of the designers and programmers of a general program written for the UNIVAC 490, the first computer designed specifically for real-time applications at NSA. In the late 1960s, she moved to the Cryptanalysis Department at the National Cryptologic School, where she developed a new course in Cryptanalytic Diagnostics.

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Dr Sarah Botsai

Dr. Botsai spent twelve years in Operations before she was selected for a tour as the NSA representative in the White House Situation Room, the first NSA woman to hold this position. After her two-year tour she was asked to return as the Deputy Director of the White House Situation Room. She also attended the National War College, the first NSA woman to do so, graduating in 1977.

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Vera Filby

Vera Ruth Filby served with the Women Accepted for Voluntary Exceptional Service (WAVES) and the Communications Supplementary Activity, the Navy’s cryptologic organization, during World War II.

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Dr Julia Ward

As the founder of Central Reference, Dr. Julia Ward significantly affected the future of a key function across a wide variety of targets and problems at the NSA. Her pioneering efforts to build a library of classified and unclassified resources to aid analysis greatly advanced the American cryptologic effort.

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Julia Wetzel

As the Soviet Union’s Communist regime collapsed Wetzel was Chief of a major operational analysis group at the NSA. She saw the Division through the critical time of the Agency’s restructuring to align with new world issues. She moved through several managerial positions in the 1990s including Commandant of the National Cryptologic School.

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Laura Holmes

During the 1980s, Laura Holmes served as a career cryptanalyst and supervisor against a series of challenging manual cryptosystems at the NSA. She also developed considerable expertise in an impressive number of target languages.

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Iris Carr

Joining the NSA during WWII, she fought diligently, though quietly, for better opportunities for talented but underutilized employees.

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Barbara Clark

Barbara Clark served in the Pacific during WWII as a member of the Woman’s Army Corps. She returned to federal service in early 1951 with the Armed Forces Security Agency as a Special Research Analyst doing research and reporting. As a Senior research analyst at NSA with foreign language capability, she served in four different production elements dealing with a wide range of international issues.

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