Dorothea Beale

Dorothea Beale studied at Queen’s College, London where she became the first female mathematics tutor. She became Principal of Cheltenham Ladies’ College and a founder of St Hilda’s College, Oxford.

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Louise Doris Adams

Louise Doris Adams was a school teacher and school inspector who did much to improve the teaching of mathematics in schools. She was enthusiastically involved with the Mathematical Association and in 1959-60 she served as its President, being only the second woman to hold this role.

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Georgia Benkart

Georgia Benkart was an outstanding mathematician who received many honours for her research on Lie algebras and related topics. She served the American Mathematical Society and the Association for Women in Mathematics in severable roles (she was President of the AWM) and was an inaugural fellow of each.

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Maria Gaetana Agnesi

Maria Agnesi was an Italian mathematician who is noted for her work in differential calculus. She discussed the cubic curve now known as the ‘witch of Agnesi’.

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Grace Alele-Williams

Grace Alele-Williams was the first Nigerian to be awarded a doctorate. She became a professor of mathematical education, then the first female Nigerian Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin.

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Hertha Ayrton

Hertha Ayrton was an engineer and mathematician. She was awarded the Royal Society’s Hughes Medal, and is well known as a suffragette.

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