Mary W Gray

Mary Gray is an American mathematician, statistician, and lawyer. She has written on mathematics, education, computer science, statistics and academic freedom.

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Mary Taylor Slow

Mary Taylor Slow was a British mathematician and physicist who worked on the theory of radio waves and the application of differential equations to physics.

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Mildred Sanderson

Mildred Sanderson was L E Dickson’s first female Ph.D. student and was described by him as “my most gifted pupil.” Tragically, she died in the year following the award of her doctorate.

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Lorna Swain

Lorna Mary Swain was a British mathematician who was one of few early female lecturers at the University of Cambridge.

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Dr Mina Rees

Mina Spiegel Rees was an American mathematician and a pioneer in the history of computing. She had a major impact on the academic and research culture of the United States.

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Margaret Barr Moir

Margaret Barr Moir was a Scottish mathematical physicist who became a lecturer in mathematics at the University of Western Australia in Perth. She may be the first woman appointed as a university lecturer in mathematics in Australia. She lost her job after the University had to make substantial cut-backs following the Great Depression.

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Mollie Orshansky

Mollie Orshansky was an American economist and statistician who developed the Orshansky Poverty Thresholds, used for measuring household incomes.

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Margaret Rayner

Margaret Rayner was a British mathematician who did important work on isoperimetric inequalities, mathematical education, and the history of mathematics. She became vice principal of St Hilda’s College, Oxford and president of the Mathematical Association.

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