Dr Liliana Colanzi
Liliana Colanzi is a writer from Bolivia who has a doctorate in comparative literature from Cornell University, where she teaches.
Liliana Colanzi is a writer from Bolivia who has a doctorate in comparative literature from Cornell University, where she teaches.
Hilda Perera is the author several novels including Mañana es 26 (1960), El sitio de nadie (1972), Felices Pascuas (1977), and Plantado (1981). She is also the author numerous children’s book, including Cuentos de Apolo (1947), whichwas translated in many languages.
Inés Arredondo wrote several books, as well as essay collections and published two anthologies.
Isabel Allende is the author of over twenty books including The House of the Spirits (La Casa de los Espíritus) (1982), Eva Luna (1987), Paula (1995), Inés del Alma Mía (Inés of My Soul) (2006), and Violeta (2022).
Though born in Spain, critics identify her body of work with Paraguay. She both contributed greatly to the latter country’s cultural development and resided there for the greater part of her life.
Elena Poniatowska is the author of close to thirteen books, including La noche de Tlatelolco (Massacre in Mexico) (1971) , Fuerte es el silencio (Silence is Strong) (1975), Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela (Dear Diego, Quiela Hugs You) (1978), Nada, nadie: Las voces del temblor (Nothing, Nobody: The Voices of the Mexico City Earthquake) (1988), and most recently Ida y vuelta: Entrevistas (Back and Forth: Interviews) (2017).
Eliana Rivero is the author of numerous works of literary criticism focusing on Latin American literature, as well as the author of four books of poetry, including De cal y arena (Of Limestone and Sand) (1975), Cuerpos breves (Brief Bodies) (1975), and Collected poems of Eliana Rivero (2005).
Enza García Arreaza is the author of numerous books of poetry and short fiction, among them Cállate poco a poco (Shut Up Slowly) (2008), El animal intacto (Intact Animal) (2015), and Cosmonauta (Cosmonaut) (2020).
Esmeralda Santiago is the author of the novel “Conquistadora” and the memoirs “When I Was Puerto Rican” and “Almost A Woman,” which was adapted into a Peabody Award–winning movie.
Esther Seligson was a writer and poet with an interest in Jewish philosophy, theater, and history.