Mary Bartelme
Chicago judge from 1913 to 1933
Chicago judge from 1913 to 1933
Inventor of a machine that automated the production of flat-bottomed paper bags
One of the earliest female barristers in England.
Indian lawyer, women’s rights activist and the first Indian woman barrister, lawyer at the Bombay High Court and Sheriff of Mumbai
Irish legal-aid campaigner
Irish barrister
First female solicitor appointed to the Circuit Court in Ireland
In 1900, having worked at her uncle’s law firm, she applied to the Barristers Board of Western Australia to sit the examinations necessary to practise as a lawyer. The board refused her request on the grounds that a woman was not a ‘person’ under the Legal Practitioners Act 1893. Haynes challenged the decision in the Supreme Court of Western Australia, but it was upheld; she was never admitted to practice.
Irish judge
In 1945 she founded and became secretary of the New Plymouth branch of the New Zealand National Party, and in 1951 became chairwoman of the New Plymouth women’s section. She went on to become a dominion councillor (1951–54) and women’s vice president (1953–54), and a member of the dominion executive in 1954 and of the dominion policy advisory committee in 1956.