Sheelagh Murnaghan
Irish barrister and politician
Irish barrister and politician
Irish printer, stationer, and ‘bookseller to the courts of law’ in the 1700s
Irish barrister and civil rights activist
Spanish publicist and social worker
Eleanor Holmes Norton was the first woman appointed to chair the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and continues to fight for DC statehood in her third decade as a congresswoman.
A delegate from Armagh to the first meeting of the Women’s National Health Association of Ireland (April 1908), she was awarded the MBE (1918) for war work, having been in charge of an auxiliary military hospital.
Social activist, politician, author, and one of the most important figures in the Canadian suffragist movement.
African-American educator, lawyer, and civil rights activist
A young noblewoman and cacica from the town of Nariguala, who in 1610 successfully litigated for recognition as a cacica in Peru.
The first female state supreme court judge in the US and one of the first two women federal judges.