Sybil Connolly
Irish fashion designer
Irish fashion designer
Writer whose reminiscences vividly illustrate the lives of colonial women
Schiaparelli’s designs were strikingly original and, in response to the 1930s ideal of the New Woman, rejected traditional feminine silhouettes and styles. With functionality and comfort in mind, she designed dresses that covered the knee and convertible pieces to be worn multiple ways.
American dress reformer, author, publisher and lecturer
Queen of England
Between 1962 and 1976 Flora MacKenzie appeared in court six times on brothel-keeping charges, and was twice imprisoned for periods of six months.
Kura Ensor was an Auckland-based Māori fashion entrepreneur who was part of a renaissance in Māori-influenced design during the 1970s. She ran a successful nationwide fashion business, selling garments which often incorporated Māori names, motifs and patterns. She was a role model for Māori women in business and was dedicated to serving her community.
Esther Marion Pretoria James was remarkable for the diversity of her achievements, and in the 1930s became a national celebrity during a sponsored walk of the length of New Zealand.
French writer whose Memoirs and Correspondence give a true picture of the refined but corrupt manners which prevailed among the higher classes in France during the reign of Louis XV.
French woman of fashion, one of the brilliant wits and social leaders of the court of Louis XIV.