Dr Helen Grimshaw
In 1937 she joined the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough where she remained for the whole of a very eminent career.
In 1937 she joined the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough where she remained for the whole of a very eminent career.
Director of her family’s Wolf Safety Lamp Company, which made safety lamps for mining and quarrying
American mechanical engineer working from about 1917 to some time in the 1950s.
English entrepreneur, socialite and forger
Scotland’s first female engineering graduate.
Machine tools expert and Women’s Engineering Society President.
Defence electronics engineer Betty Killick was also the first woman to become a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
British electronics engineer
In 1921 she gained a BSc in mechanical engineering from the University of Edinburgh, and is believed to probably have been only the 2nd woman engineering graduate (after Elizabeth Georgeson in 1919).
The first woman to study engineering in a Scottish university.