Sheila Edmonds
Sheila Edmonds was an English mathematician who worked infinite series and went on to become Vice-Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge.
Sheila Edmonds was an English mathematician who worked infinite series and went on to become Vice-Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge.
Marguerite Lehr was an outstanding lecturer and, as one of the first to present a course of mathematics on television in 1952-53, she was in great demand both as a lecturer and as a consultant for presenting mathematics on film or TV.
Mary Cartwright was the first woman mathematician to be elected to the Royal Society. She became Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge.
Mary Gray is an American mathematician, statistician, and lawyer. She has written on mathematics, education, computer science, statistics and academic freedom.
One of New Zealand’s leading teachers of ballet.
Lenore Blum is an American mathematician who has made important advances in computer science.
Frances E. Willard (1839-1898) was an American educator, suffragist and temperance reformer.
Belva Ann Lockwood (1830-1917) was an American lawyer and reformer.
Ellen Hayes was an American mathematician and astronomer. She was one of the first female American professors.
Euphemia Lofton Haynes was an American mathematician and educator, and the first African-American woman to earn a PhD in mathematics.