Annie Mona Burgin
Her teaching and training methods had a significant influence on the shaping of the Girl Guide movement in New Zealand.
Her teaching and training methods had a significant influence on the shaping of the Girl Guide movement in New Zealand.
American educator, the first woman to receive such a doctorate at a European university, president of Bryn Mawr College.
Prolific writer on many subjects, producing about fifty volumes of prose, poems and selections, many of which attained wide popularity.
American dress reformer, author, publisher and lecturer
American author and promoter of the higher education of women
American educator, from 1899 to 1911 president of Wellesley College
American sculptor and philanthropist
American author and educator
American educator, elected to the chair of history in Wellesley College in 1879, and three years later became president, which position she retained till her marriage in 1887.
American physician and educator who entered the Women’s Medical College of Philadelphia in 1850, when the institution was opened, graduated two years later, and was professor of physiology and hygiene from 1854 and dean from 1866.