Stephanie Young
A gifted teacher and an educationalist concerned with increasing women’s opportunities in New Zealand
A gifted teacher and an educationalist concerned with increasing women’s opportunities in New Zealand
A colourful and popular Nelson, New Zealand identity, she had given a lifetime of service to her community.
New Zealand teacher, postmistress and community leader
New Zealand teacher, social reformer and peace campaigner
New Zealand teacher and community leader
As the founder of one of the country’s longest established private schools for girls and one of the earliest boarding schools for girls in Wellington, she made an important contribution to New Zealand education.
She established a proud tradition of scholarship and leadership which has since been followed by other outstanding Ngāti Rangiwewehi women.
Monica McKenzie made a profound contribution to dietetic services in New Zealand.
Certain at the beginning of her career she did not want to teach infants, she went on to become an authority on infant reading, and to win respect as an inspirational and perceptive teacher and school inspector.
New Zealand home science lecturer and writer