Graciela Salicrup
Graciela Salicrup trained as an architect and then worked as an archaeologist. She became a mathematics undergraduate at the age of 29 and went on to the become a leading topologist.
Graciela Salicrup trained as an architect and then worked as an archaeologist. She became a mathematics undergraduate at the age of 29 and went on to the become a leading topologist.
Annabel Dott was a self-taught builder-developer, and an excellent self publicist as well as an Anglican vicar’s wife.
English blacksmith, photographer and ancestor of the founders of the Women’s Engineering Society.
Elizabeth Ayer, the first woman to graduate from the University of Washington’s architecture program, helped fashion the residential architecture of many Seattle neighborhoods in the middle of the twentieth century.
Architects around the world, and particularly women architects in Seattle and Washington, have long looked to L. Jane Hastings as an exemplar and professional leader, and often the first to achieve key professional aspirations.
American photographer
Hopi House, Hermit’s Rest, Lookout Studio and Desert View Watchtower are not only the best and least altered, but some of the only remaining works of the master architect and interior designer Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter. Located on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, these buildings highlight the ingenuity of Colter, chief architect and decorator for the Fred Harvey Company from 1902 to 1948.
James Cook and Kate Graham first discovered the fossil deposits later to become known as Agate Fossil Beds.
Participating in women’s rights, civil rights, labor, and peace movements throughout the 1900s, Florence Luscomb embodied what it means to be an activist.
Architectural historian and first permanent architecture critic for the New York Times.