Kathleen Hebert

Kathleen Hebert is a water conservationist and tidepool expert. In 2003, she left her position as Vice President of Microsoft to devote her life to environmentalism and conservation.

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Julie Shayne

Whether she is at our nation’s capitol acting as a National Student Coordinator, speaking at the National Women’s Studies Association, publishing books that shed light on the injustices present within society or teaching classes under the major Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies that she helped create, Julie Shayne is always working to empower the marginalized.

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Dr Janelle M Silva

Dr. Janelle M. Silva has dedicated years of activism in the classroom to teaching students of all ages about power and social structures in the Pacific Northwest.

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Bev Barnum

She founded the group known as ‘Wall of Moms’, a group of mothers dedicated to protecting protestors from the military tactics used by federal agents and local law enforcement during peaceful protests.

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