Bernie Dwyer
Irish journalist, filmmaker and political activist
Irish journalist, filmmaker and political activist
Jessie Mackay’s crusading spirit informed her poetry, and her poetry is a record of all the causes she held dear.
As one of the few women to gain a prominent position in the union hierarchy, Clark blazed a trail in the essentially masculine union world of mid-1900s New Zealand.
Purcell’s years of trade union activism spanned the depression, the term of the first Labour government, the introduction of compulsory unionism and the 40-hour week, and the ongoing campaign for equal pay for women workers. Her influence extended beyond her own unions, through the Auckland Trade Union Secretaries’ Association and, nationally, through the New Zealand Federated Shop Assistants’ Association.
New Zealand communist activist
New Zealand trade unionist
American philanthropic social worker
American educator
English theosophist, author and lecturer
In 1901 she established a women’s collective clothing factory and was appointed the chair of its board. She continued her work for electoral reform and moved the resolution that brought the South Australian National Council of Women into existence, although she found the organisation too cautious and resigned from the executive in 1906.