Ella Cleggett
Australian philanthropist and activist with the Tubercular Soldiers’ Aid Association of South Australia
Australian philanthropist and activist with the Tubercular Soldiers’ Aid Association of South Australia
Emma Miller played a vital part in the campaign for women’s suffrage in Queensland where she was perhaps the best known of a talented group of activists.
Chadian obstetrician Grace Kodindo is an advocate for reproductive healthcare in her home countries and internationally. She is also active against female genital mutilation (FGM), drawing attention to the medical dangers of the procedure.
American philanthropist
American educator and reformer, known as “The Moonlight-School Lady”.
English writer. She published numerous works, chiefly educational, including Mental Improvement, Leisure Hours, Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex, with Hints for its Improvement and several volumes of descriptive geography.
Alice Heron Maxwell’s dedication to the preservation of the historic Te Papa mission station, at a time when few Pakeha New Zealanders realised the value of such sites, was both far-sighted and courageous.
Irish poet and nationalist
Beautiful and dynamic, Lady Londonderry was more forceful than her husband, and her political talents were more impressive. She used her influence to effect and was the model of a great political hostess.
Irish teacher, activist and philanthropist